Koller supports you from the idea to implementation

At two locations, Koller International Group develops the precise solution for your systems, combining Austrian know-how with an efficient economical production inside the EU. In-house development and research, as well as production on state-of-the-art facilities in our own factories ensure top quality.

Headquarters Vienna / Austria

From Vienna, the national and worldwide activities of the Koller International Group are planned and coordinated.

Contact: Brünner Straße 313-315, A-1210 Vienna, Austria, Tel. +43 1 604 43 33, office.vienna.at@rkoller.com

Parent plant Vitis / Austria

Our centre for metalworking, surface technology, electroplating, electronics production, as well as stainless steel, brass and copper alloys is also the location of our research and development department and electronics production.

Contact: Rudolf-Koller-Straße 1, A-3902 Vitis, Austria, Tel. +43 2841 8207, office.vitis.at@rkoller.com

Plant Jindrichuv Hradec/Czech Republic

At this location, our specialists for toolmaking work on implementing the tools developed together with Vitis. Here, plastic components are designed and produced on ultramodern injection moulding machines.

Contact: Dolni Pena 201, 377 01 Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic, Tel. +420 384 370 410, office.jhradec.cz@rkoller.com

We sell worldwide!

The products of Koller Whirl Systems are sold around the globe. We operate our own sales offices in Vienna, Prague and Malta, and we are represented worldwide through three big warehouses (Austria, Czech Republic and China). This makes us a global player using experience and know-how to find innovative solutions for customers from all over the world.


The name KOLLER stands for an established family-owned company which has developed dynamically in more than 45 years and is seen as a pioneer in the range of whirlpool technology. The KOLLER International Group consists today next to Whirl Systems, of further following divisions:
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